Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Qing dynasty from Manchuria concurred China in 1644. At that time the painting of China had lost its creativity. With devoted reverence the painters were copying the Great Masters. Suddenly appeared “Friar Bitter Melon” or generally known as Shih-Tao. He revolutionised the Chinese painting in the 1700th century. Shih-Tao wrote a famous essay, which is a manifesto of individualism and expressionism. The name of the essay is “Friar Bitter Melon´s thoughts about Art." A founding idea of Shih-Tao is the concept “i-hua” which means “one stroke” or “one line”. It is not about painting a picture in one stroke but a structured view on reality and how painting should relate to it. Shih-Tao writes: “In the Dawn of Time there was no Method. The Original Chaos was not organised. When the Original Chaos was organised Method was born. Method was born from One Stroke. This One Stroke is the Origin of All That Is. The Gods use it and the humans should learn it.” The writer and sinologist Lin Yutang (“The Chinese Theory of Art” 1967) called Shih-Tao´s essay a complex, profound and revolutionary text. A hymn of individualism harmonising with the existence.
Lubos Janota is interested in the Chinese perspective. The physical act of painting is important. From his former football carrier Lubos brings physicality and rhythm into his painting - standing in front of a 3 x 3 meter canvas, concentrating and breathing in pace with the landscape and in one pliable rhythm following the logic of the vision. It is not about depicting but empathy.

Gregor Wroblewski, 2006


Blogger Ankan said...


jag var och kollade grafiska sällskapets utställning på mejan i fredags. vilken liten tavla du har gjort... ;)

vad tycker du om den här bilden? dags att sluta tvätta bilen och låta eleverna ge sig på den? :){099/{099CC3CE-6AFC-4A74-A0F4-150913224027}.jpg

kram från ankan (ex-elev)

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